Juvenile Crimes Attorney - Juvenile Lawyer


Central Juvenile Hall aka Eastlake Juvenile Hall

1605 Eastlake Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90033

(323) 226-8611

(323) 226-8608

Visiting Hours: Saturday & Sundays from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 pm

Eastlake/ Central Juvenile Hall is located directly behind
Eastlake Juvenile Court.
Copyright 2004

The above photo is how Central Juvenile Court looked prior to the new construction that finished in 2004. Althought it was named Central Juvenile Court, most people who worked in the juvenile court system simply called it Eastlake because of its location on Eastlake Avenue. When renovation and new construction was completed, the court was no longer called Central Juvenile Court but instead Eastlake Juvenile Court. Copyright 2001-2014


In 2004, construction was completed for a newly upgraded court.
Copyright 2004


Central Juvenile Hall Covid-19 update

Visiting at Central Juvenile Hall is currently suspended due to the Covid-19 Pandemic. Prior to the pandemic, parents, legal guardians and grandparents were able to visit youth at Central Juvenile Hall after court and on Saturdays and Sundays.

Probation Officials believe limiting the number of people entering Central Juvenile Hall would help lower the risk of juvenile hall detainees from contracting the corona virus.

Two teenagers contracted Covid -19, one from Sylmar Juvenile hall and the other from Central Juvenile Hall. In addition, one probation officer that works the lock up area and one court employee reportedly also contracted Covid -19 causing a temporary closure of one of the court rooms at Eastlake Juvenile Court.

Probation Officials have assigned to probation officers that sit outside the juvenile hall to take the temperature of all persons entering Central Juvenile Hall. This includes juvenile hall employees, management, and police officers who bring in detainees to the facility.

All new youth arrivals are required to be in quarantine for 14 days and to be tested for Covid 19 prior to being assigned housing.

Juvenile defense attorneys and community advocates are requesting a blanket release of all juvenile hall detainees but judges refuse arguing it should be done on a case by case basis.

Juvenile defense lawyers have been filing WIC 778 motions asking for release of youth detained at Central Juvenile hall due to the pandemic.

Central Juvenile Hall on Eastlake Avenue

Central Juvenile Hall also known as "Eastlake" was the first juvenile detention facility established in 1912. Central Juvenile hall has a constant problem with overcrowding. In 1999, the Los Angeles County Grand Jury was very critical of Central Juvenile Hall and stated," We were both surprised and dismayed to see the apparent substandard condition of this facility." The grand jury reported that many of the day rooms had been converted to dormitories and several of the medical infirmary rooms where children are supposed to receive medical attention were closed because of earthquake damage and unsafe conditons.

Because the grand jury found asbestos present, it is only logical to conclude that both juvenile hall staff and the children housed there were exposed to the deadly asbestos. In addition, the plumbing and steam systems were found to be faulty and outdated.

Six years later in 2004, construction and renovation has been done to upgrade the facilities. Central Juvenile Hall is one of three juvenile hall facilities in Los Angeles County. The juvenile hall is located directly behind Eastlake Juvenile Court.

Visiting Rules at Central Juvenile Hall

Central Juvenile hall only allows parents or legal guardians to visit. Visitation is on Saturdays & Sundays from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. On the day your child has court, you may visit your child from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. Parents will not be allowed to visit their child unless they bring proper identification such as a California Drivers License, or California Identification card or some other acceptable form of identification. There is a dress code. Visitors cannot wear sexy revealing clothes. Tight fitting clothes for women is not allowed. No short skirts, no halter tops, low cut tops or clothes with gang words or signs. No sandals or slippers. Shoes are required at all times. Visitors cannot bring back packs, medicine, pagers, cell phones, cigaretes, food or drinks, purses or handbags and radios.


Special Visits at Central Juvenile Hall

Brothers, sisters and other family members may visit if the request is approved and arranged through your childs probation officer or unit supervisor. They may only visit one time. The Juvenile Court Judges will generally not approve any special visits other than the two parents of the minors. The courts may change a visitor in lieu of a parent. The best way to arrange a special visit is to contact your child's probation officer or unit supervisor.

Limitation on amount of Paper & Envelopes your child is allowed to possess at Central Juvenile Hall

Your child is only allowed 25 sheets of white or yellow paper, and 10 envelopes only. Central Juvenile Hall staff will provide a pencil and put stamps on the mail.

Limitation on number of photographs your child is allowed to possess at Central Juvenile Hall

Often times, parents, family members and others will send photographs to your child. Your child is not allowed more than five photos or pictures. The pictures should not show nude women, sex, drugs, weapons or gangs. They must be mailed and cannot be brought during visits.

Limitation on Religious items your child is allowed to possess at Central Juvenile Hall

No hard cover Bibles. Soft cover Bibles only.

Only plastic rosary. (white or black)

Only one small plastic cross (white or black)

One religious picture.


Telephone use at Central Juvenile Hall

1. Your child is entitled to reasonable access to a telephone.

2. Your child is not entitled to call another Hall, a victim or witness.

3. There is no right to privacy when using the telephone except when the child is telephoning his or her lawyer.

4. The Central Juvenile Hall staff will allow your child to use a County line to call his or her Deputy Probation Officer or lawyer.


Daily Schedule at Central "Eastlake" Juvenile Hall

Monday thru Friday

6:15 a.m. Wake up

7:00 a.m. Clean up

8:30 a.m. School

11:50 a.m. Return from School

12:00 p.m. Lunch/Nurse's Clinic

1:00 School

2:40 p.m. Return from School

3:30 p.m. Recreation

5:00 p.m. Dinner

7:00 p.m. Homework

7:30 p.m. Nutional Snack

7:45 p.m Showers

8:30 p.m. Reading time

9:00 p.m. Lights out

Saturday and Sunday Schedule at Central Juvenile Hall

7:00 a.m. Wake up

8:00 a.m. Breakfast, clean up

9:00 a.m. Church/Recreation

12:00 p.m. Lunch/Nurses's Clinic

1:00 pm. Reading time/visiting

2:30 p.m. Recreation/Visiting

5:00 p.m. Dinner

6:00 p.m. Recreation/Day room

7:30 pm. Nutritional Snack

7:45 p.m. Showers

8:30 p.m Reading time

9:00 p.m. Lights out



Special Handlng Unit (SHU) at Central Juvenile Hall

If your child violates any of the Central Juvenile Hall rules, he or she may be sent to the Special Handling Unit (SHU). He or she can be kept in the SHU until he or she is ready to return to his or her unit.

Clergy Visits at Central Juvenile Hall

All Clergy visits must be approved by the Chaplan's Office. The phone numbers are (562) 940-8627, (323) 383-7032, (818) 367-8938 -24 hours exchange.

GED Exams and other testing at Central Juvenile Hall

Ms. Mercedes Cerros is in charge of coordinating all testing schedules for children housed at Central Juvenile Hall, Los Padrinos Juvenile Hall and Sylmar Juvenile Hall as well as all probation camps. Ms. Cerros can be reached at (562) 401-5740.

Problems at Central Juvenile Hall

After receiving numerous complaints by children, lawyers, and community leaders, the United States Attorney Generals Office initiated an investigation at all Los Angeles County Juvenile Halls including Los Padrinos, Central and Sylmar Juvenile Hall. A special prosecutor and a team of experts assigned to the case visited Central Juvenile Hall in 2001 and found the facility "violated the constitutional and federal statutory rights of the youth residents."

Excessive use of pepper spray at Central Juvenile Hall

The Department of Justice found that Juvenile Hall staff had been using Oleoresin Capsicum (OC) spray "excessively," and in situations where "such use of force were not necessary." This includes spraying handcuffed children, children with asthma, pregrant girls, suicidal children and children with special mental health needs.

Mental Health needs not met at Central Juvenile Hall

The U.S. Justice Department also found that mental health needs of children were also not being met in Los Angeles County Juvenile Halls. It was estimated that approximately 50% of the children housed at Central Juvenile Hall have mental health issues. However, at the time, the majority of those who had such issues did not get any mental health care. Approximately 75% of those who had mental health issues received no such help at Central Juvenile Hall.

As a result of these issues as wells as the excessive force complaints, the county of Los Angeles and the federal government entered into a consent decree. The consent decree requires the county to address these civil rights violations and concerns. The consent decree agreement helped the county of Los Angeles avoid litigation with the U.S. Justice Department. As a result, the mental health care has improved significantly for children detained in juvenile hall.

Understaffing at Central Juvenile Hall /

1000 Probation officers fail to show up to work

Understaffing has always been an issue in Los Angeles County Juvenile Halls. Understaffing has led to youth on youth violence and probation officers being injured on the job while trying to restrain minors during fights. The Los Angeles County Probation Department asked their employees to not show up wot work to protest the understaffing.

One thousand Los Angeles County Probation Officers failed to show up to work on September 27, 2005 to protest what they contend are dangerous working conditions and inadequate staffing at Los Angeles County Juvenile Halls and Camps. The Los Angeles County Probation Officers Union has sued the county alleging that the county's failure to meet minimum stated mandated staffing ratios has led to higher assaults at these juvenile detention facilities.


LA County Probation Employee receives four years prison for having sexual intercourse and oral copulation with three detained minors at Central Juvenile Hall

Despite a federal consent decree in place at Central Juvenile Hall, other issues continue to give concern to parents.

On January 15, 2009, Kimberly Hald, age 35 was sentenced to four years state prison for having sex with three minors detained at Central Juvenile Hall. Hald a former LA County Juvenile Probation Department employee was facing 16 criminal counts of sexual misconduct that allegedly occurred at Central Juvenile Hall on Eastlake Avenue.

LAPD Detective Jeff Allen stated there were three teenage victims involved. The Los Angeles District Attorneys Office filed a criminal complaint, case number BA 34235401, in court alleging Hald with numerous felonies including unlawful sexual intercourse, oral copulation of a confined consenting adult, oral copulation of a person under 18, oral copulation under color of authority, distributing harmful matter to a minor, contacting a minor for a sexual offense knowing that he was under 18, and touching one of the boy's private parts while he was restrained.

She was arrested on June 25, 2008 at 8:15 a.m. by LAPD Officers from the 77th Street Division. She appeared in court on July 10, 2008 for her arraignment and had her case continued to July 30, 2008. That court appearance was continued to September 3, 2008 and then to November 2008 at the Criminal Courts Building located at 210 West Temple Street.

Hald pleaded no contest in November 2008 to five felony counts including oral copulation with a minor under the age of 18, sexual intercourse with a minor under the age of 18 and sexual activity with a confined consenting adult and two felony counts of contact with a minor for a sexual offense said Los Angeles County Deputy District Attorney Natalie Adomian with the Justice System Integrity Division. She was sentenced by Commissioner Henry Hall to four years states prision for sexually assaulting three male juvenile detainees. She was also ordered to register as a sex offender.

On February 4, 2009, she was transferred to Frontera California Institute for Women Prison in Corona. She is expected to serve 85% of her four year prison sentence. She will not be allowed to reside within 2000 feet of any school or park. Because there were many victims, the department of corrections may also require that she wear a GPS tracking device on her ankle upon her release from prison. The requirement to wear a GPS tracking device may depend on her score with the state authorized risk assessment tool for sex offenders (SARRATO).



Many children complained that the phone number for the county ombudsman were inoperable. The Los Angeles Times Molly Hennessey -Fiske reported on February 26, 2010 that the Los Angeles Commission for Children and Families is calling for an audit of the county's probation ombudsman and the grievance process for youths detained at juvenile halls such as Eastlake Juvenile Hall and probation camps.

It was reported that the phone number for the departments ombdusman listed on signs in juvenile halls and in juvenile camps were rendered inoperable. Probation officals stated that the phone number was mistakenly rendered inoperable during a cost cutting review of unused phone lines because records showed the ombudsman never used it to to make outside calls.



If you are from a law enforcement agency or your child is detained, the following is the deadlines applicable to detained minors:

Date and Time of Arrest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Petition Due to DA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Court Date

Sunday 12:01 AM to 12:00 AM . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tuesday 10:00 AM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wednesday

Monday 12:01 AM to 12:00 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . .Tuesday 10:00 AM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wednesday

Monday 12:00 PM to 12:00 AM . . . . . . . . . . . . .Wednesday 10:00 AM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Thursday

Tuesday 12:01 AM to 12:00 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . Wednesday 10:00 AM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Thursday

Tuesday 12:00 PM to 12:00 AM . . . . . . . . . . . . Thursday 10:00 AM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Friday

Wednesday 12:01 AM to 12:00 PM . . . . . . . . . Thursday 10:00 AM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Friday

Wednesday 12:00 PM to 12:00 AM . . . . . . . . . Friday 10:00 AM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Monday

Thursday 12:01 AM to 12:00 PM . . . . . . . . . . . .Friday 10:00 AM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Monday

Thursday 12:00 PM to 12:00 AM . . . . . . . . . . . .Monday 10:00 AM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tuesday

Friday 12:01 AM to 12:00 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Monday 10:00 AM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tuesday

Friday 12:00 PM to 12:00 AM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tuesday 10:00 AM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Wednesday

Saturday 12:01 AM to 12:00 AM . . . . . . . . . . . . Tuesday 10:00 AM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Wednesday



Detention Services Bureau Chief, Lisa Garcia

Ms. Garcia was formerly a director at Los Padrinos Juvenile Hall where she was the Juvenile Hall Liason concerning Use of Force, Mental Health, Religous Servies, Gender Specfic, Hearing Impaired, Investigations, and Operation Read. While at Los Padrinos she dealt with officials from the U.S. Department of Justice Civil Rights Division who have been monitoring Central, Sylmar and Los Padrinos Juvenile Halls for civil rights violations. Her experience and background led her to become Superintendent of Central Juvenile Hall.

She was recently promoted to Detention Services Bureau Chief effective April 1, 2009. She now oversees all Juvenile Halls and Camps thru out Los Angeles County. Ms. Garcia is credited with encourgaging probation staff to stay physically fit. An avid runner herself, she helps volunteer her time with the Latino Peace Officers annual 5k Menudo Run each year.

Central Juvenile Hall Adminstration and Staff (Updated July 7, 2012)

Superintendent, Gregory McCovey

Mr. McCovey is the Superintendent at Central Juvenile Hall. Mr. McCovey has very good management skills. He helps run Central Juvenile Hall very efficiently. His secretary is Daisy Pau. Mr. McCovey is the liason for the Advocacy Clinic. Ms. Delouis Prude works in the office on Adminstration matters.

Assistant Superintendent, Larry Burton

Mr. Burton serves as second in command at Central Juvenile Hall. He also helps supervises all the directors. Mr. Burton is the liason for Medical Health Services, Court, IDC, DNA Livescan, Hearing Impaired and Return to Work.

IDC/ CDP Director, Paula Heath

Ms. Heath is the Director of IDC/CDP. Ms. Heath is a former Assistant Superintendent at Cental Juvenile Hall.

Internal Audit, Director Dallia Fragoso

Director Fragoso is in charge of the internal audits of Central Juvenile Hall.

Director of Transportation Jeff Probasco

Mr. Probasco is in charge of all transportation going to and from Central Juvenile Hall. Transporation vehicles take children to and from Juvenile Courts, Medical Appointments, Placement, and Camps.

Department of Justice Director Carol Williams

Ms. Williams is the liason for audits performed by the U.S. Department of Justice Civil Rights Division as well as helping compile reports for the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors concerning compliance on DOJ issues. She supervises DOJ Supervisor SDSO C. Dunn.

Division I Director, Larry Burton,

Mr.Burton is also a Division I Director. He oversees the Officers of the Day that work at movement and control. He oversees SDSO Joseph Sillis, SDSO M. Sandoval, SDSO L. Duckett, and SDSO F. Vasquez. Gina Yates is the Division I Directors Secretary.

Division II Director, George Yan

Mr. Yan is the Division II Director. He oversees many of the unit supervisors where children are housed. He oversees CD, AL Om Supvr. SDSO M. Freeman, GH Supervisor SDSO L Lycan, KL Supervisor R. Gritney, and J. Supervisor SDSO C. Vaquez. The Secretary for the Division II Director is Loosiek Hairpetian. Mr. Yan is the liason for EIS.

Division III Director, Robert Valles

Mr. Valles is the Division III Director. He oversees B/G CARE and MOU Supervisor SDSO R. Childs, B. ESU Superivsor SDSO Miguel Porter, G. EESU Supervisor SDSO Dora Velarde, PQ Supervisor SDSO Sh. Shambullia, and R/S Supervisor SDSO R. Rios-Chacon. The secretary for the Division III Director is Angineh Meserkrkhami. Mr. Valles is the liason for Mental Health.

Division IV Director, Carlos Coronado

Mr. Coronado is the Division IV Director. He oversees several housing unit supervisors and the Officers of the Day that work the 10 to 6 shift. In addition he oversees Girl Receiving an area where girls first arrive when they come to Central Juvenile Hall as wells as the Girl's SHU which is an area where minors are kept in isolation either because of behavior problems by female girls or because of lack of housing availability to keep certain kids propery housed. He supervises E/F Unit Supervisor SDSO Norm Johnson, M/N Unit Supervisor SDSO Leon Bruce, Girls Receiving and Girl's SHU Supervisor SDSO H. McCrimmon, and 10 to 6 Shift Officers of Day SDSO R. Fellows, Luis Vasqquez and Phoeve Walker. The secretary to the Division IV director is Nana Stinstrom. Director Coronado is the liason to courts, Central Juvenile Hall School, and Religion.

MSB Director Melissa Stutenroth

Ms. Stutenroth supervises Office Manager Felicia Oliver, AM Clerical Supervisor Aide Ghazarian, PM Clerical Supervisor Yolanda Ciavoe, File Room Supervisor Gladys Collins, Business Supervisor Tanaya Brown, Property Room Supervisor Betty Ayala, LaundrySupervisr Lead R. Garcia, Special Project Lead Luis Hernandez, Warehouse Lead John Crawford, Housekeeping Lead Leonard Clay.



Mental Health, Mary Romero

Health Servies, Carmel Kadmka

Nursing, Soledad Martinez


Schooling at Central Juvenile Hall

While children are in custody at Central Juvenile Hall, they attend 300 minutes of schooling each day. They receive one unit of credit for every 16 days they are in school. They receive two units for every 32 days in school. They receive three units for every 48 days they are in school. They receive 4 units for every 64 days they are in school and 5 units for every 80 days they are in school. Students can earn 90 days credit at Central Juvenile Hall instead of 60 or 70 at a regular school. Students must be in class to earn the credits. When transfering credits, the school must fax a request for school transcripts to Central Juvenile Hall. If the student is 18 years or older, he or she can make the request him or herself for the transcripts.

Students who (1) show high ability and is presently (2) 17 years of age and (3) behind in credits may request to take the GED.

Monthly Parent Teacher Meetings

(updated April 1, 2009)

There are monthly teacher meetings on the second Sunday of the month beginning at 11:00 a.m. in the Parent Resource Center. Principal Dr. Denise Miranda encourages all parents to participate.


Central PAU School Administration and Teaching Staff

(Updated September 24, 2010)

Dr. Denise Miranda, Central PAU School Principal

Mrs. Rebecca Robertson, Central PAU Assistant Principal

Mr. Michael Baird, Central PAU Assistant Principal, Special Education

Tammy Maloy, School Administrative Secretary

Richard Gutierrez, Senior School Clerk

Sylvia Recinos, Senior School Clerk

Janet Moore, Senior School Clerk,

Special Education Erika Smith,

Senior School Clerk, Senior School Clerk, Special Education

                                                        Mercedes Cerros, Coordinator HRS and GED Coordinator

Wayne Boehm, Transition Counselor.


Good Grams from School Teachers at Central Juvenile Hall

The school teachers at Eastlake Juvenile Hall do reward good behavior. If your child is performing well at school in Eastlake Juvenile Hall, his or her school teacher will often give your child a good gram. Anything positive about your child should certainly be brought to the Eastlake Juvenile Court's attention. This gram is generally personally signed by your child's teacher.

School Liason - Eastlake Juvenile Court

Maida DeArmas is the school liason at Eastlake Juvenile Court. Her number is (213) 226-8500. Ms. DeArmas' job is to help the Eastlake Juvenile Court Judges verify attendance and school grades for children appearing before the court. Ms. DeArmas is very helpful for all attorneys appearing before the court. For students with unexcused absences and excessive tardies, the Eastlake Juvenile Deputy District Attorney can decide to set a probation violation hearing. The Eastlake Juvenile Court Judges and Eastlake Juvenile Court Commissioners and Referees place a very high importance on children attending school. For many children with delinquent cases, it possibly means the only way a child can feel hope to succeed in life. For children with very poor grades, the parents should consider hiring a private tutor three times a week, and to write to their child's school principal requesting an IEP assessment be done.

Showing up to Eastlake Juvenile Court with poor grades

A childs progress in school can greatly affect the outcome of his or her Eastlake Juvenile Law case. Many California Juvenile Law Judges and Juvenile Deputy District Attorneys erroneously assume poor academic performance is caused by lack of effort by the child. Although that may be true with some children, more often than not, many students have a learning disability that will affect the childs grades. If your child has a learning disability, your child should not be punished for not getting the help he or she needs.

The burden, however, rests with the parents to requests the IEP assessment be done in writing to the principal. You can request a comprehensive assessment for special education services for your child under P.L. 94-142. Furthermore, your child can be assessed for eligibility and services under Section 504 of the 1973 Rehabilitation Act. If your child is not making adequate educational progress, your child can be eligible for reasonable accomodations and special education services under Section 504. Your request for services should be made in writing.

In accordance with Sections 56321 (a) of the California Education Code, the School District will respond to this request within 15 calender days by forwarding to you an asssessment plan for your approval.

Once the assessment is received by the School District with your approval, the assessment will commence and the Individualized Education Program (IEP) meeting will be convened within 50 calender days not counting school vacation days in excess of five days. More often that not, many school adminstrators cannot comply with the request in the time period required under federal law. Many times school officials will claim they never got your written request. For this reason, its a good idea to get a duplicate original stamped by the school adminstration received and keep a record of who received your request as well as the date and time you submitted the written request.






If your child has been arrested and is detained at Central Juvenile Hall, you should retain the best juvenile defense law firm to represent your child. Your child's future is at stake.

Few private atttorneys in California specialize in juvenile defense. Juvenile Court is far different than adult court. Most criminal defense lawyers have very limited experience in juvenile court. Don't gamble your chlid's freedom and future with an inexperienced lawyer. The stakes are high. Mistakes in juvenile court can lead to life long consequences.

Attorney George Kita has been defending children successfully for years. He has successfully handled more than 1000 juvenile cases. He has a successful winning track record in juvenie court. Retain Mr. Kita to defend your child today. He can represent your child today.

We provide effective juvenile defense. If your child is housed at Central Juvenile Hall, call Juvenile Defense Attorney George Kita for a free consultation at 626-232-0970.



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Juvenile Defense Attorneys   Sealing juvenile records Juvenile Defense Attorneys   Juvenile probation offices
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Juvenile Defense Attorneys   Useful juvenile links Juvenile Defense Attorneys   Juvenile Appeals

Copyright 2003 - 2018, George Kita